Grundingen Fastighets AB

Logotype, website and graphic identity

We at LIVE Reklambyrå have developed a graphic identity, business card and website for Grundingen Fastighets AB – a newly formed real estate company that plans to develop housing in attractive locations in Sweden. They are planning to develop everything from small houses to multi-family houses in tenant-type and residential ownership to modern, highly efficient and attractive housing. During the course of the project we worked with the focus on producing a stylish yet creative look for the graphic profile.

Read more about Grundingen Fastighets AB


Icon of logotype

Graphic element


”Midnight Blue”

R59 G67 B79
C75 M60 Y47 K46


R162 G146 B120
C35 M35 Y50 K15

”Platina Grey”

R237 G237 B237
C8 M6 Y7 K0



Business card