Vinga - Graphic profile and websites Navigo Invest - Website Regenergy Frövi - Film Evolushi - Logotype and website FixBoard X Niklas C Design - Creative Collab Planttech Biotechnology - Graphic profile and website JOOL Group - New graphic profile, yearbook and website HEED & THOM - Graphic profile and website FixBoard X Obskyre - Creative collab Lessebo Paper X Nicklas Hultman - Creative Collab Colletto Villas Grundingen - Graphic profile and website L'esperienza - Logotype Moberg Bygg & Inredning FixBoard X Dusty Pink Deco - Creative Collab Fixboard - Graphic profile and website Fiskebäck Seafood Buhres På Kivik - Graphic profile and website Zanders Paper - Webdesign and order system Lessebo Paper European Bartender School - Magazine Svenska Dekor - Logotype Trattoria Prego Anita June WestCoast Charter Le Comptoir Svensk Ränteförvaltning - Graphic profile JOOL - Ginetta GT5 Photography Fiskebäck Seafood - Packaging design ”Hinken” WIBO - Logotype ESS-ENN - Graphic profile and website Borsavini - Graphic profile Refima Redovisning Childhood Match Cup - Photography Vitaprana - Packaging design Laxbutiken - Graphic profile and website Isabelle Restaurang - Logotype and identitety GBG Audio Video - Logotype Soppec - Catalogs Wästbygg - Advertisement Wibo - Webdesign and order system Karlholm Strand - Video Vivona - New logotype and illustrations Juan Font Casa di Fiori - Graphic profile and website Handels Consulting - Anniversary Book CytaCoat - Webdesign Mercalin - Packaging design Securemen - Folder JOODIN - Website Fiskekrogen - New website Glenn Strömberg - Packaging design We are Jool - Company Brochure AE Interiör - Logotype and Signage Lessebo Paper Studio - Creative Platform Hagatvålen - Packaging design Meldon Food - Illustration and website Italian Trade Agency - Brochure Mastersons - Tasting Menu/Card So to speak - Folder Fundamentskruv Väst Campus Pharma - Logotype Conscious Chef - Packaging design ESS-ENN Timber - Product Catalog